Comprehensive Claims
- Claims
- Antiva
- Ferelden
- Free Marches
- Orlais
- Tevinter
- Vessels
Claim System
Use the menu to the left to see which canon and franchise positions have already been claimed, or that might still be available.
Franchise characters labeled with "Ask" are merely so staff can help fit that character into VH; as something about the current canons or state of things on site have altered that franchise character's typical "canon" appearance.
To claim an available canon, please go to the appropriate discord thread.
Because we know sometimes people make decisions about whether to join a site based on how many characters of importance the Staff Team have, we've gone ahead and marked our characters with "STAFF". :) We hope this makes anyone worried that staff takes all the important roles feel better. Many of the marked characters were not canon characters on our previous reiteration of the site, and many of the marked characters have been our characters for 2-4 years, collectively.
Antiva Canons
- King
- Giovanni Campana - Taken by Ivy (Staff)
- Adviser/Queen Dowager
- Eularia Lovette-Campana - DECEASED - Taken by Ivy (Staff)
- King Dowager
Francesco Campana- DECEASED - Taken by Meg- Prince
- Luciano Campana- Taken by Bach (Staff)
- Princess
- Adaria Campana - Taken by Meg
- First Talon
- Devante Santanna - Taken by Ivy (Staff - NPC)
- Second Talon
- Ignacio Moreno - Talk to Bach
- Third Talon
- ___ - OPEN
- Fourth Talon
- ___ Kortez - OPEN
- Fifth Talon
- ___ de Riva - OPEN
- Sixth Talon
- ___ - OPEN
- Seventh Talon
- ___ Cantori - OPEN
Rivain Canons
- Queen
- ______ Fessehaye - OPEN
- King Consort
- ______ Fessehaye - OPEN
- High Princess
- ______ Fessehaye - OPEN
- Prince
- ______ Fessehaye - OPEN
- Princess
- ______ Fessehaye - OPEN
Arlathan Canons
- High Keeper
- Megara Fern - Taken by Meg
Ferelden Canons
- King
- Byron Wulff - Taken by Drake
- Queen
- Franziska Lovette-Campana - Taken by Ivy (Staff)
- Prince
- ______ Wulff - OPEN, SPEAK TO DRAKE
- Prince
- ______ Wulff - OPEN, SPEAK TO DRAKE
- Princess
- ______ Wulff - OPEN, SPEAK TO DRAKE
Marcher Canons
- Lord
- ___ Open - OPEN
- Chantry Advisor
- Name - OPEN
- Mage Advisor
- Name - OPEN
- Military Advisor
- Name - OPEN
- Grand Cleric
- Name - OPEN
- Viscount
- Alesander Dumar - Taken by Neo (Staff)
- Grand Cleric
- Name - OPEN
Tevinter Canons
- Archon
- Demetrius Arvina - Taken by Bach (Staff)
- The Archon's Heir
- Tiberius Umbra - Taken by Neo (Staff)
- Leader of the Eyes
- Malachai Valentius - Taken by Meg (Mentor)
- Head of House Tilani
- Maevaris Tilani - OPEN (Speak to Seda)
- Head of House Calidus
- Calidus Patriarch - FRESHLY DECEASED (NPC)
- Head of House Obsidian
- Obsidian Patriarch - OPEN (speak to Neo)
- Head of House Icarius
- Icarius Patriarch - OPEN
- Head of House Pavus
- Enzo Pavus - Played by Meira
- Head of House Verax
- Verax Patriarch - OPEN
- Head of House Umbra
- Tiberius Umbra - Neo (Staff)
- Head of House Serpentis
- Serpentis Patriarch - OPEN
- Mythal
- Shards united, made whole
- Andruil
- Lirulin - Meira
- Name - OPEN
- Name - OPEN
- Dirthamen
Amélie Le BlancDECEASED - Held by Solas- Name - OPEN
Elgar'nan- DECEASED - Shards united, made whole
- Falon'Din
- Shards united, made whole - Vharlin
- Ghilan'nain
- Name - OPEN
- Name - OPEN
- Name - OPEN
- June
- Revas - Winter
- Name - OPEN
- Name - OPEN
- Sylaise
- Megara Fern - Meg
- Megara Fern - Meg
- Megara Fern - Meg
The Old Gods
- Andoral
- Ilaria Obsidian - Neology
- Dumat
- Nymeria - Rainn
- Lusacan - tied to Elgar'nan
- Name - OPEN
- Razikale - tied to Ghilain'nan
- Name - OPEN
- Toth
- Name - OPEN
- Urthemiel
- Kieran Mac Tir - OPEN
- Zazikel
- Avorra - OPEN